World Peace Through Entrepreneurship



Partnering and getting in touch

Please send general and collaboration queries by email to If you are a consultant interested in joining our team, please attach a CV, cover letter, and five-page writing sample. Organizations with entrepreneurship development expertise seeking to partner with KolCo should include a description of your work, including geographic focus, areas of expertise, representative projects, etc.

KolCo is recruiting experienced entrepreneurs, investors, etc. to advise startups in developing countries on a volunteer basis. Please complete the form below if interested. Mentoring is typically remote (e.g. via Skype) and involves 1 to 100 hours of monthly sessions, according to the mentor’s availability. Neither you nor KolCo are under any obligation. Once you’ve joined our roster of mentors we will come back to you when opportunities arise.

And please don't forget to sign up for the KolCo Newsletter for our news and commentary!

Kolco Volunteer MENTOR Roster


KOLCO Newsletter